Thursday, 4 July 2013

Presenting Festival Classes and Teachers

Unfolding the Hip 

with Parveen

This class will delve deeply into opening the hip area. Many of our negative emotions like to live in places in out bodies where they can hide out: places that get the least amount of stretching and release. While a hip opening posture may feel intense in the moment, you will always feel so much better afterwards!

Practice starts opening with sun salutation sequence, then moves into a series of hip openers where you will spend time breaking down and exploring the poses deeper.

The Diagonal and Horizontal Flow of Prana with Parveen

This class you will learn to understand the very basics of Pranayama in the Iyengar style. In this class Parveen will be explaining the different dimensions of the breath within the asanas, and how it effects the mind and our emotions.

Parveen Nair is an accomplished classical India dancer and a certified Iyengar yoga teacher. He began his yogic journey when he was awarded an International scholarship to further his studies in classical dance in India. Parveen’s spiritual life blossoms when he first met his Gurudev, Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja in Vrndavan, India. He then was initiated into the Gaudiya Vaishanava system in 1996, and thereafter; he continues to study the Vedanta, Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavad under the guidance his spiritual master. 

Parveen returned to Malaysia in 2004 and started teaching yoga in Kuala Lumpur. Parveen’s passion for Iyengar yoga developed after he came across Guruji B.K.S. Iyengar’s most acclaimed yoga book , “The Light of Yoga”. He was drawn into the emphasis on precision and alignment as well as the teachings of the Yoga Sutras. His years of practice and teaching reflect his commitment towards Iyengar Yoga. He regularly attends workshops and intensive classes with senior Iyengar yoga teacher to deepen his knowledge towards his practice and teaching. He often travels to Ramamani Iyengar Institute Pune, India to further his studies with Guruji B.K.S Iyengar, Geeta Iyengar, Prashanth Iyengar and many other senior Iyengar teachers. Parveen is also the founder of Swarupa Iyengar Yoga Studio which is the pioneer Iyengar Yoga studio in Malaysia.

Parveen also conducts free classes on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali for the public on every Tuesday night at Swarupa Iyengar Yoga to share his knowledge of the Sutras. His profound use of language and words has brought many yoga practitioners to study with him. The classes are conducted in a discussion-manner which Parveen often relates Sutras to our daily life, and he also often encourages yoga practitioners to ask and discuss the Sutras. As Parveen believes "Asanas are only to stretch and discipline the body, but to stretch and see for the true self, one should study the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali." 

"Samatvam yoga ucyate / Evenness of mind is called yoga"
- Bhagvad Gita 11-48

Yoga Spirit Festival Malaysia, 26th & 27th October 2013

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