Friday, 1 August 2014

Presenting Anna Suvorova: Yoga Spirit Festival Malaysia Teacher Line Up 2014

Anna Suvorova dreams of a better world. She is a writer and Reiki master with a Master’s degree in Russian Literature who teaches Yoga and Meditation and will answer to the title of ‘Raw Chocolatier’.

Anna was born in Ukraine in 1968. Her Ukrainian mother is an absolute food magician, who loves books and animals. Her father was in a Russian military having new assignments every year, so Anna’s traveling around started at a very early age.

Anna was always an unusual child, an “old soul” as she has been called by her magical grandma, and could not speak properly until late 20s. She has lived with a compromised autoimmune system since very early age, and she had to do a tremendous work on herself to overcome the effects of the physical abuse until the age of 15.

Anna’s passion for truth and beauty, consciousness and Harmony led her to have a Master Degree in Russian Literature and language, to study psychology, hypnotherapy, Reiki, nutrition and philosophy, including her beloved yoga. Having to fight for her right to feel well, she chose to stay away from medication, trusting she would find her way to health naturally (or die naturally:-)) Since then she has embarked upon a unique journey of self-healing, self-discovery and liberation. Anna likes to joke, “If it had not been for Yoga, Love and Raw chocolate, I would not even bother landing on this planet.”

My mission is to spread the message of Heart Consciousness, Unity, and Light through the teachings and practices of Yoga.

Classes with Anna at the Yoga Spirit Festival Malaysia, 11th & 12th October 2014:

Self-Love is the Secret 

This gentle yet strong practice consists of a yoga flow, twists, and supine poses that are all focused on creating a strong feeling of self-acceptance. It encourages breathing with awareness into the experience of each pose. It is a beautifully flowing practice that takes us inward and teaches to listen to the body... And respect its messages (or limitations).

It is about Learning to be where we are right NOW... Not only on our yoga mat, but also in our lives. Self Acceptance is a powerful energy that creates space. Space for love, space for silence… Space for a deeper relationship with what lives through us.

It is finished with a delightful savasana (preferably using bolsters and pillows). The purpose of this unique yoga practice is to connect to the deeper sense of Self - the life force that dwells within all of us.


This empowering Yoga Practice is focused on our choice-making mechanism. It brings us to a point of understanding how every day; every moment we have choices to make. Our experiences of life depend entirely on this simple understanding. Once we are aware of it, we are in a position to change our life.

~The POWER of Your CHOICE~ practice is a graceful flow of asanas where each participants have a few variations of the same pose. It encourages listening to the body as much as the instructions of a teacher. Inner and outer worlds are connected :-) It creates a feeling of connectedness to what is within and puts us in a position to choose wisely what works for us, honoring our Uniqueness.

This class is for those who need to get in touch with their own power to make decisions and stand for themselves. It builds CONFIDENCE and personal POWER.

It ends with a savasana and a beautiful Heart meditation leading to oneness... to remind us that out power within is there to serve the world's Harmony as much as to serve our own.

More information about Anna on her website

Don't miss out on Anna's raw chocolate making workshop and divine raw cacao ceremony in Kuala Lumpur on 18th & 19th October 2014 right after the Festival. Stay tuned for more info! 

Yoga Spirit Festival Malaysia
11th &12th October 2014
Awana Genting Highlands

More info and Early Bird Festival Special here

Stay updated on special announcements on the Festival event page

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